
Monday, July 16, 2012

For My Daughter Aria Claire Elizabeth Lund

I heard that song and thought of you.
Life feels like a nightmare that just came true.
Sitting here looking at the sky,
Sitting here asking God why??
Sitting here holding back these tears.
Sitting here living a Mothers worst fear.
I may not have you here with me,
but forever and always my daughter you will be.
A part of my life I will never forget.
Letting you go sometimes I regret,
but God needed you back in Heaven.
You only spent 2 days here on earth in June,2011.
Its Now May,2012.
Life without you here on earth feels like I'm living in Hell.
Only a select few people understand.
The will the way and your very own special plan.
Your mission on earth was complete.
Now in Heaven you wait till me meet.
I know one day I will see you again.
God and only God knows when